Friday | 240920

Your daily workout

To provide you with an incredible, tailored experience, our team will personalize your workout with scaled options as necessary.


R.E.D. Friday

Honoring U.S. Marine Corp.
Major Kenneth Bailey

“Fight Gone Bad”

3 Rounds

1-Minute Stations

Wall Ball Shots (20/14 pounds)

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/55 pounds)

Box Jump (24/20 inches)

Push Press (75/55 pounds)

Row for Calories

*Rest 1-minute between rounds

Today, we honor U.S. Marine Corp. Major Kenneth Bailey. Bailey, 32, showed incredible courage as the commanding officer during the Japanese attack on Guadalcanal in 1942. Despite being wounded, he led his troops in intense hand-to-hand combat for 10 hours, inspiring them to defend Henderson Field. His bravery and leadership were crucial in repelling the enemy, and he ultimately gave his life in service to his country.


Saturday | 240921


Thursday | 240919