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You’re unique — your gym membership should be, too.
flexibility built for you.
Don’t let waitlisted classes derail your fitness journey. Here at HEW, 50+ classes per week, spacious gym buildouts, and professionally designed programming eliminate the need for advanced sign-ups.
Let’s find the best membership option that works for you:
√ Unlimited Classes
√ 30-Day Hard Work Risk-Free Guarantee*
√ Choose from 2 or 3 classes per week
√ Discounted add-on classes
Class Packs
√ 10 Classes
√ 20 Classes
Prices vary based on location. To learn more about your gym membership pricing options, we encourage you to reach out to your local HEW Fitness.
Try our 30-day, risk-free, hard work guarantee
We take pride in earning your business
each and every day.
You are investing in results, and it is our duty to deliver. That said, we also need you to put forth effort. If you don’t sense improvement in your overall well-being and happiness, and have shown good faith effort in meeting your goals, we’ll happily give you your money back. No questions asked.
First class is always free. Terms & conditions apply.
Find your location
Stuck in a rut? Do you lack motivation or direction? Miss being part of a team? Whether you need a spark in your training or crave results and accountability, we can help you achieve your goals.
Do you live a sedentary lifestyle? Do you constantly try to ward off bad habits? Are you trying to lose the extra weight & get in better shape? We'll provide the direction you need for long-lasting wellness.
Time is limited — juggling the demands of work, family, home, and life. Exercise typically falls to the bottom of the list. With 50+ group classes every week and only 30-minute results-focused workouts, we give you the flexibility you need to make exercise a priority.
Some gyms seem too competitive, and others provide zero guidance; some are pretentious and others impersonal. Here at HEW, we'll make you feel welcome, supported, and connected.
let’s build your strength & confidence.
Take the challenge towards a better, fitter you. Designed for longevity, your HEW Fitness membership will give you the building blocks for your optimal wellness journey.
We help HEWmans perform at a high-level day after day.
HEW Fitness goes beyond being a conventional gym or fitness regimen; our holistic approach is also proven to engage employees and enhance productivity in the workplace.
Give your company an edge by contacting your nearest location today.
√ Free introductory class
√ Unique team challenges
√ Preferred membership pricing