Friday | 250117
Your daily workout
To provide you with an incredible, tailored experience, our team will personalize your workout with scaled options as necessary.
R.E.D. Friday
Honoring US Navy Senior Chief
Britt Slabinski
6 Rounds [ For Time ]
400-Meter Run
10 Burpee Pull-ups
10 High Box Jumps
10 Handstand Push-ups
1 Rope Climb
Today, we honor Senior Chief Britt Slabinski, U.S. Navy SEAL and Medal of Honor recipient. On March 4, 2002, during Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan, Slabinski's team's helicopter was downed by enemy fire on a snow-covered mountain. After one team member was ejected and left behind, Slabinski led a daring rescue under heavy fire, saving his injured teammates and ensuring their eventual rescue. His bravery and leadership earned him the Medal of Honor, awarded on May 24, 2018.