Friday | 240927

Your daily workout

To provide you with an incredible, tailored experience, our team will personalize your workout with scaled options as necessary.


R.E.D. Friday

Honoring U.S. Marine Corp.
Corporal David Champagne

5 Rounds

400-Meter Run

20 Ring Rows

20 Rollouts

5 Wall Walks

20 Wipers

2 Rope Climbs

Today, we honor U.S. Marine Corp. Corporal David Champagne. Medal of Honor recipient, bravely led his fire team in an assault on a heavily defended hill. Wounded in battle, he refused evacuation and continued to fight. When a grenade landed near his team, he threw it toward the enemy, losing his hand in the process. Mortally wounded by mortar fire, his heroic actions saved lives and inspired all who witnessed his bravery.


Saturday | 240928


Thursday | 240926