Heat, Humidity, and Hard Work: How to Crush Your Summer Fitness Goals

HEW Fitness - Beat the Heat

It’s official: Summer is here.

If you’re anything like us, nothing feels quite like getting in a good sweat sesh on a sunny day. And hey - science even says all this heat is good for you! Working out in the hot weather trains your body to produce more sweat (which keeps you cool), increases your blood plasma volume (for us normal folk, that simply means it helps with your cardiovascular fitness), and lowers your core body temperature. All of this is good news for those of us wanting to live stronger, healthier lives! But we get it...working out in the heat and humidity can be a real challenge.

With that in mind, the folks here at HEW Fitness have thrown together a few tips to help you beat the heat while crushing your fitness goals. 

  1. Start at your level. Here’s the good news: you can adapt to the heat! If you are newer to HEW or haven’t worked out in a while, it may just take a little longer. That’s okay! Ease your way in, and ask a coach to help you scale the workout until your body adjusts to the weather. 

  2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Water is crucial to your health. We typically recommend drinking at least half your body weight in ounces daily. However, when it comes to the summer heat, you may have to increase that even more to help regulate your body’s temperature. Keep in mind - drinking water before and after your workout is just as important as during the workout itself. Have that water bottle handy all day long for best results! And don’t forget to replenish those valuable electrolytes post-workout with an electrolyte drink, coconut water, or foods such as watermelon, avocado, and spinach (all of which are HEWfit-approved!)

  3. Dress cool. No, we’re not talking about making a fashion statement. Heavy or tight-fitting clothing will heat you up, and dark-colored clothes will attract more sunlight. Instead, dress for success by wearing light-colored, loose-fitting clothes. This helps reflect heat while allowing more air to circulate across your body. You can also try sweat-wicking or hi-tech clothes specifically made for hot weather to keep you even cooler while you’re putting in the hard work. (Oh - and if the workout calls for extra outdoor time, don’t forget to pack that sunscreen!)

  4. Listen to your body. We get it - there’s no better feeling than pushing through a hard workout. And while we love nothing more than seeing you give it your all, your safety is our top priority. So listen to your body and adjust the workout as needed. Remember, your coaches are here for you if you need a little extra support!

Disclaimer: This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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