Memorial Day Murph 2024 at HEW Fitness | Honor, Challenge, and Give Back


Join Us for the HEW Fitness 2024 Memorial Day Murph workout!

It's that time of year again! As the warmer weather approaches and we prepare for the summer months ahead, our team at HEW Fitness is excited to invite you to our annual Memorial Day “Murph” Workout. This year, the event will take place on May 27th, 2024, and it promises to be more than just a workout—it's an opportunity to honor and remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

What is the Memorial Day Murph?

The Memorial Day Murph is a tradition in the fitness community, dedicated to Lt. Michael Murphy, a United States Navy SEAL who lost his life in Afghanistan in 2005. Lt. Murphy was known for his dedication, bravery, and fitness, often performing the workout that now bears his name.

The workout consists of:

- A 1-mile run

- 100 pull-ups

- 200 push-ups

- 300 squats

- Another 1-mile run

Participants are encouraged to tackle this challenge wearing a 20-pound vest or body armor, in true Murph style. Here at HEW Fitness, we personalize the workout and modify as needed for any ability level.

Why Participate?

This workout is more than just a test of physical endurance and strength; it's a way to pay tribute to Lt. Murphy and all the heroes who have fought and died in the line of duty. It's a moment to reflect on the values of courage, sacrifice, and commitment that these brave men and women exemplify.

Event Details

Date: Monday, May 27th, 2024

Time: Varies by location

Location: Any HEW Fitness location (find your nearest location here)

We welcome all fitness levels to participate, whether it's your first Murph or you're a seasoned veteran of this challenge. You can complete the workout individually or as part of a team.

Special Features

Coaching and Support: Our coaches will be there to guide you through the movements, ensuring you perform them safely and effectively.

Community Spirit: Experience the incredible community spirit of HEW Fitness. Cheer on your fellow HEWmans and enjoy a day filled with motivation and camaraderie.

Entertainment: From DJs and catering to bounce houses and beach BBQs, our HEW Fitness teams nationwide make this event one of the biggest each year! Contact your nearest location to discover what exciting activities they have planned!

Giving Back

In conjunction with the Memorial Day Murph, we are proud to support the Trident House Charities program at the Navy SEAL Museum. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to help support Special Operations Forces and their families.

Prepare for the Challenge

Leading up to the event, we will be hosting a 28-Day Murph Prep Challenge, designed to help you build strength and conditioning so you can tackle the Murph with confidence. Details and registration information for this preparatory program are available on our website and at the gym.

Join Us!

Don’t miss this powerful day of fitness and remembrance. Register today to secure your spot and be a part of something truly special. Whether you come to challenge yourself, support a good cause, or simply honor the memory of a hero, your participation means the world to us.

Together, let's push ourselves to new limits and remember the heroes who have pushed far beyond theirs. We can't wait to see you there!

For more information and to register, please visit our website or contact us at any HEW location in America.

Let’s make this Memorial Day meaningful and memorable together!



HEWman Collective at Work - Faith, Family & Fitness Unite in Woodstock, Georgia


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