Your Strongest Year {yet}

A new year is right around the corner, and for many of us, that brings one word to mind: resolutions. Filled with motivation to be more intentional about our goals, we write down a wish list of things we want to accomplish in the next year. The problem is that without a clear and solid plan, that’s exactly what our list of goals becomes: a wish. 

At HEW Fitness, we care about helping our members reach their individual goals. Whether they are related to fitness, work, finance, or relationships - we’re here to help motivate and support you on your journey. With that in mind, we’re sharing three simple tips for making this next year your strongest yet when it comes to setting and achieving your goals. 


Laying the proper foundation for a new year begins with reflecting on the one at hand. Reviewing both your accomplishments and areas for growth will help you discover clarity and a successful path forward. Begin by finding a few quiet moments and grab a notebook or pad of paper. Jot down every memorable moment from the past year, including both the wins and learning opportunities. If you keep a journal or planner, pull it out to help jog your memory! 

Once finished, go back and reflect on your list by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What lessons did I learn from these moments?

  • Are there any habits, commitments, or attitudes I’d like to leave behind?

  • What on this list am I most grateful for? 

After reflecting, it’s time to celebrate the successes you had this past year and get ready to create a strong plan for the next one. 


Creating a strong plan for the new year starts with the future in mind. Envision your life one year from today. Where do you see yourself? What do you want to have accomplished? These questions will ensure you choose goals that reflect who and where you want to be in the future. Make sure during this process you also take into account the other commitments in your life. Keep in mind that your goals should be challenging, but attainable through hard work and perseverance. You might need to make adjustments in your schedule, other priorities, or your goals themselves to make achieving them more realistic.

Once you have specific, relevant, and realistic goals in mind, write them down. With a clear destination in mind, you are now ready to develop the necessary steps it will take to get there. Work backward to create your plan, breaking down your goals into smaller accomplishments and noting the time frames for hitting them. These timelines will help hold you accountable and make you more likely to reach your goals. Make sure to write these smaller accomplishments and timelines down in an obvious place for daily reflection.

Now that you have goals and a plan for attaining them, it’s time to find someone to hold you accountable. This is the most important step! Whether it’s a friend, your HEW Fitness coach, or simply sharing on social media, make sure someone else knows your plan and is willing to support you on your journey.


Our goals for the New Year often fail because they are created with unrealistic expectations in mind. You have heard the phrase “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” The same is true for anything you want to achieve. You must understand that no matter your goal, the journey won’t be perfect. It will take time. Experts say it typically takes around 21 days to develop a habit, and roughly six months for that habit to become a lifestyle. Reaching your goal isn’t going to happen overnight. 

The key to success is to build a strong foundation of good habits. This is done through small, achievable actions that get you closer and closer to your goal. Take those consistent steps daily, and you’re well on your way to achieving whatever you set your mind to! If you mess up or fall off the wagon, don’t obsess over it or beat yourself up. Take the opportunity to learn and adjust. Then keep moving forward. 

Oh, and one last thing as you enter the new year. We go forward and emerge stronger: together. You aren’t in this alone, and your HEW Fitness coaches and family can’t wait to help you crush your goals.


HEWman Heroes: The first responders of hew